About Moi
My bio used to say where I went to school and how long I’ve been performing.
If you really want to know all that stuff, you can ask me and I’ll tell you!
Here’s an assortment of things I’d love to share with you about myself:
In case of a fire, I would save the mug I inherited from my grandma that says “SEXY GRANDMA”.
I have no wisdom teeth.
I wrote a classical-style short play (Miniskirt) that was a finalist in a short play festival in ~New York~. You can read it if you like!
I’ve got Polish cheeks and Irish moxie.
My husband Ian and I collaborate on lots of things like screenplays, sketch revues, and monthly utilities.
I’m a pizza eater; it says so on my business card.
I use semicolons; they have merit!
My comedy is often inspired by The Simpsons and Christopher Guest films.
Favorite bodega snacks: Choco Taco (RIP), jalapeño kettle chips, kombucha, sour gummy worms, hot black coffee.
You can see me in a Saturday night show at Fallout Theater in Austin, TX every week!